Tampa Tableaux
Jenne-Elise Galluzzi
Episode 1,2,3
Growing up in south Florida, Jenne-Elise was saturated in the urban culture, music and dance scene in Miami. She is a recent graduate from the Universty of South Florida with a BFA in Dance Performance & Choreography. Artistically she is developing work utilizing her technical training to support her urbanstyle and movement development. Collaboration is a key aspect of her process. Much of her work is choreographed in collaboration with the dancers, encouraging them to embody individual experiences within the movement. She also works with musicians to produce original scores for her works. As a choreogrpaher, she hopes to exhibit an exploratory spirit that encourages audiences to recall and explore their own experiences in relation to the dancers, music, and movement. In addition to the urban style of movement integral to her work, acknowledgement of these shared human experiences make the work accessible and relatable so that audiences might continue to explore their own personal experiences on a deeper more involved level.

Kiara Marie Narvaez
Episode 1&2
Kiara began dancing when she was 6 years old. She was a Spanish dance instructor assistant, mastering historical cultural dance from the Caribbean such as, Salsa, Merengue, and Batchata; she did this until she was about 14 years old. When she was about 12, she began school at Rochelle School for the Arts. It was there where she discovered ballet, modern, and Jazz. Instantly she was in love. Soon after graduating from middle school, she auditioned for Lois Cowel Harrison Center for the Visual and Performing Arts, and was accepted and continued her dance studies for the next 4 years. She graduated from Harrison with honors in her department, with titles such as "Most Promising Choreographer", and "Outstanding Young Artist", and she was also awarded the departmental scholarship. After highschool she immediately began college at the University of South Florida, as a dance major, with a focus in modern dance and on a Bachelors in Fine Arts track. Currently she is a sophomore at USF. She's still in search of making dance more relatable to the general public. She believes that dance is only relatable to those who are in the dance world, and is a chain that she wants to break free of, for future generations of artists. She believes by connecting with technology, people, and ideas outside of the dance community will inspire a new perspective of how we approach what dancing is. She thinks that by expanding possibilities of what dance could be, will promote higher order thinking, and will help people identify their realities. Which is something many of us try to avoid.

Sean McDonald
Episode 2,3
Born in Fort Myers, Florida; Sean received his B.F.A in Modern dance at the University
of South Florida. He is a 2012 Talent Grant recipient, and also a former Pulse Dance
Convention scholarship recipient. At USF Sean has performed works by Jeanne Travers, John Parks, Paula Nunez, and Andrew Carroll. In 2012, Sean trained in Paris under Colleen Thomas, Daniel Madoff, and Prue Lang, where he performed his own work as well as Colleen Thomas' work at Micadanses. Sean also had a private one-on-one class with Daniel Madoff, where he learned Totem Ancestor choreographed by Merce Cunningham. In 2013, Sean had the privilege to perform his B.F.A Solo in the USF Faculty concert. At USF, Sean has studied under Michael Foley, Andee Scott, Andrew Carroll, Jeanne Travers, and Bliss Kohlmyer.
Sean’s performance highlights include the amazing works of Doug Varone (The Rite of Spring), Rosie Herrera (Pity Party), Andy and Dionne Noble (Spitting Ether), Bradley Michaud (After the Fracture), Colleen Thomas (Du Cour), and Juan Rodriguez (You, New World). Sean has performed professionally with Adin & Ferguson Dance Theatre, Shoes At The Door Dance, Moving Current Dance Collective, and is currently a member of both Collective Soles Dance Company and Tampa Modern Dance Company.

Nicole Alvarado
Episode 1,3
Nicole is a junior at the University of South Florida, studying Marine Biology. She started dancing when she was very young, around the age of three, and it's still a huge part of her life today. Nicole grew up dancing ballet, tap, and pointe until she started college. Besides dance, the ocean and the marine environment are her passions. She loves educating and exposing people to marine life; most have never experienced anything like it. This is something she plans on doing in the future with her career. She’s super excited to be working with Tampa Tableaux and hopes that working with local artists will help expose the Tampa Bay community to new ideas and appreciation of the arts, and also continuing something she loves to do!

Crystal DelGiudice
Episode 1,3 & January Featured Artist
Raised in South Florida, Crystal is a graduate of University of South Florida, with a bachelors in Performance Dance and a minor in Criminology. She started her career as a competitive gymnast and dedicated much of her childhood to perfecting her craft, placing in state and national competitions across the United States. Through gymnastics training, she found a love for dance, here is where she could utilize her physicality, attention to detail, and utter determination to flourish in the arts. She has performed, choreographed, and studied abroad in Paris, France. In 2012 Crystal was selected to perform In the International Dance Seminar held in Beijing, China. She has danced with Staibdance and performed in works choreographed by Doug Varone, Maurice Causey, Jennifer Salk, George Staib, Jeanne Travers, Bliss Kholmyer, Andrew Carroll, Andee Scott and Monica Noble. She is interested in the artistic collaboration process and is currently working with Tampa Tableaux. Crystal is looking forward to furthering her dance career as a performer, choreographer and artist.

Rachel Jimenez
Episode 1
Rachel started dancing at the age of 6 in Jacksonville, Florida as a supplement to her gymnastics training. She was a dance major at Lavilla School of the Arts and Douglas Anderson School of the Arts. Being able to attend an art's school from 6th grade to 12th grade has allowed her to grow up in such a creative environment and surrounded her with budding artists every single day. It also gave her opportunity to work with various dance professionals. She has performed work choreographed by Jennifer Archibald, Larry Keigwin, Robert Battle, and Edgar Zendejas. Rachel has attended various summer dance intensives including: Orlando Ballet, Miami City Ballet, Joffrey Jazz, Complexions Contemporary Ballet, and The Juilliard School. Upon attending college, she has opened many doors for herself. She changed her major to exercise science, found a passion for fitness and nutrition, and began writing for a thriving new website, Killing the Breeze, which is based out of Brooklyn, NY. But, amongst all of these new exposures, Rachel has still held dance close to her and continues to train and grow as an artist.

Robert Kelley
Episode 1
Currently a junior at the University of South Florida, Robert has been dancing for 8 years. Dance has opened many doors for him, giving him the chance to travel overseas as well as work with renowned choreographers from across the States and the world. Travels include Port-of-Spain, Trinidad where he had the chance to perform for the International COCO Festival, one of the largest contemporary dance festivals in the Caribbean area. While there, he performed a work choreographed by USF Dance faculty Jeanne Travers. Robert Moses of "Robert Moses' KIN" Ohad Naharin of "Batsheva Dance Company" and most recently Alonzo King of "Alonzo King's LINES" are some of the renowned choreographers that he has gotten to work with along with John Parks, Andrew Carroll, Katurah Robinson, Paula Nuñez. Dance has always been a vehicle that Robert could use to find true authenticity, and plans to continue that search through the only way he knows: Dance.
Happy Trailz
Episode 1,3
Happy Trailz consists of Austin Powers along side partner Aldrim Castillo. Born and raised in Ohio, Austin came to Florida after graduating high school to attend Full Sail University where he majored in Recording Arts. Born and raised in Florida, Aldrim moved to Orlando from Miami to become a firefighter, but also had the opportunity to start DJing on the side. They met through family acquaintances and seemed to mesh well together, bringing different genres together to form a unique new sound. They tend to draw inspiration from numerous artists like Tchami, AC Slater, Dislosure, Astronomar, and Deorro.
Episode 2
Dany Cordero of Puerto Rico and Dimitrios Antoniadis of Greece, both with professional backgrounds in Death Metal, come together to make TESTKIT. Now, what is TESTKIT you may ask? I Don't think we even know. But we can assure you this: If you like fingerstyle guitar with intricate drumming, as well as listening to EDM on bath salts, then oyu will surely find yourself with the most awkward boner when our first album is released.

Photo by: Michael J. Rose

Aldrim Castillo (left) Austin Powers (right)